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Duval County Elections Administration
Administración de Elecciones del Condado de Duval



Notice of General Election Nov 7th 2023

Notice of Tabulation Equipment Testing
Oct 18 2023

Political Subdivisions and Candidate Filing Information
Election and Filing Dates for March 5th 2024 Primary Elections 


ADDRESS and CONTACT Information

Bobby Gonzalez

Elections Administrator
400 E. Gravis  
P.O. Box 308                                                                                        
San Diego, TX 78384
Tel: (361) 279-6278
Fax: (361) 279-6297

Established in 2007, the Elections Administration Office of Duval County has two equally important functions, voter registration and conducting fair and impartial elections. This department encompasses 9 voting precincts, 6 political subdivisions, 5 school districts, 3 cities and approximately 8,709 registered voters.

Establecido en 2007, la Oficina de la Administración de Elecciones del Condado de Duval tiene dos funciones igualmente importantes, matrícula de votante y realizando elecciones justas y imparciales. Este Departmento abarca 9 zonas electorales, 6 subdivision políticas, 5 Distritos de la Escuela, 3 Cíudades,  y aproximadamente 8,709 votantes registrados.

Voting Information for Voters, including those with Special Needs

Who, What, Where, When, How


Gracie Cruz - Deputy Voter Registrar
(361) 279-6275

What are the duties of the Elections Administration?

The Elections Administration is an office within Duval County which facilitates and proctors electoral matters; adheres to Civil, State and Federal election codes; and works as a liasion between multiple County offices, candidates, the public and the Secretary of State of Texas.

Duties include, but are not limited to, voter registration, elections management, candidacy filings and public relations.

Click for more information
How can I find out who represents me in Texas?
 You can simply find representatives in your city, county and state by clicking on Who Represents Me and on Texas Election Officials and Officeholders Site. Fore more information, you can visit here: Secretary of State Voter FAQ
Locations of Polling Places

You can check the map of County Voting Precinct by clicking
 HERE and determine which voting precinct you reside in based on your physical address.  If you received your voter registration card, then it should tell you which precinct you are in.